My own mother is in the hospital. She had knee replacement surgery on Thursday and was discovered to have an MRSA infection that had to be treated with two rounds of IV Vancomycin. She is running a low fever of 100.2 or so, and I am really trying not to worry. I've talked to her several times and she sounds fine, but I know that she tends to put up a strong front. If she says her pain is a 4 on a pain scale of 1-10, in reality she is at an 8 or so.
I have worked nearly 50 hours this week, and today is my first day off since last Sunday. So, this morning I am going to hang with her at the hospital and see for myself how she is doing. I am going to completely annoy the nurses by asking specific questions like "what was her white count when the infection was first discovered and what is it now?" etc...
I am also going to take her some contraband. She loves Chris' cooking, and he grilled some tenderloin and yellow peppers, zucchini and purple onion last night for supper. He made some garlic and cheddar mashed potatoes to go with it, and since she isn't on any special diet, I am going to sneak a plate to her to give her a break from hospital food.
I hope your mom is doing better. And I think the nurses hate it when you ask too many specifice questions that require them to actually research the chart instead of giving a pat answer ~ so I highly encourage you to ask away!
Also, Happy Mother's Day to you!
I hope that your mom is doing better too!
We just went through the whole MRSA thing with my father in addition to his other problems. Be prepared to "gown, glove and mask up" when you visit her!!!
P.S. Happy Mother's Day!!
I am sorry for what your mom is going through and I will keep her in my thoughts that she be well soon.
I am sure she will enjoy the contraband and you go and annoy those nurses all you want!!!
Keep us all posted
Mama Kelly
PS Happy Mother's Day
I hope your mom is feeling better today. And I'm sure she will be thrilled with her homemade and thoughtful meal.
And YOU have a good day today too.
She is really doing great! She should get to go home tomorrow :-)
That was awfully sweet of you. I called her the other day. She seems fine? I'm trying not to be mad for her not telling me while I was in town.
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