Saturday, July 11, 2009

DC Rocked!

It was so wonderful to see all of this with my very own eyes! Click on the photos to embiggen them.

The Library of Congress

The Capitol

My parents and Lina and Huck on the steps of the National Archives on the 4th of July

My Man President Obama's current home

The view from the front porch of Mt. Vernon, George Washington's home in Virginia

Huck with the Washington Monument behind him as we were about to go into the Lincoln Memorial

I hit 3 Smithsonian Museums as well (American History- I never wanted to leave that one, Smithsonian Art Museum and the Natural History Museum), along with the National Portrait Gallery. We went to the National Archives, and Chris took the kids to the Aquarium after they saw the Declaration of Independence, Bill of Rights and Contitution (All original! Wow!) so that I could spend a couple of hours there alone with my thoughts in that holy place. And look what was waiting for us when we got home-Baby Titter Tats!


Casey said...

What a great holiday! I lived in DC for 3 yrs. & absolutely loved it! I'd go back in a minute.

Congrats on the new additions to the family!

Gregory said...

The picture of the capitol is in good light!

Anonymous said...


Who is the Mama of the Titter Tats? Chi-chi?

Susanna said...

looks like you guys had a great time!

AutumnZ said...

Yep, Chi Chi had 4 and Holly Mittens had 1. They are co-parenting. Both nurse all babies and they take turns grooming them :-)

Amanda said...

Holy crap, I wouldn't have recognized Huck. He has so much freaking hair and has grown about a foot since the last time I saw them. Lina I would know anywhere because she looks just like her momma.

Cute kitties, too.