Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Stuff and Fluff

I love my job! I'm still learning the ropes, but feel I will have it all down in a couple of weeks. Today I did 8 outpatient surgery and 15 Inpatient charts. That's quite an improvement over my first day's grand total of 2! My codes aren't as perfect as I would like for them to be, but since 80% of what I encounter in these charts is new material for me, I just need to cut myself a little slack. Sure I know how to code. But do I know how to get to a lithotripsy code when the doctor doesn't actually call the procedure lithotripsy, even though that's what it is? Well, yes, I do now. But I didn't when I first read through the chart. Sometimes I think my brain is going to leak right out of my ears, overflowing with all this new information.

I have solved my sedentary problem. It only costs me $20 per month, deducted from my check as the facility is affiliated with the hospital where I work. Everything a body could want in a gym is right across the road from my little cubicle.

We leave for Washington D.C. on the 3rd and will be back on the 10th. DC is going to rock on the 4th of July!


Casey said...

Glad to hear you like your new job so much! Have a great time in DC.

Susanna said...

great to hear all is well with you

hope you have a great trip!

Tanjie said...

I knew it! You ARE working where I thought! We just might run into each other across the street from your cubicle sometime.

Debbi said...

Hope you are having a wonderful time in DC. See you in Blogland when you get back!