I am fighting the physical effects of time tooth and nail, all the while embracing the wisdom it brings me. In other words, I want the wisdom of the Crone, but want to look like the Maiden, when what I am is the Mother.
Cameron and Drew are both single ladies who have been (and are going through) some icky stuff. Naturally, they are both waif thin and tanned and blond while I am none of those things. Now, I love who I am. I love me. But my attention to my physical self has waned the last few years because of my internal struggle to discover this new identity of working mom.
Since the first of the year, my eating habits have been almost saintly. Lean meats, whole grains, raw fruits and vegetables make up my diet and my body is much the better for it. My sweets intake has become almost nonexistent (if only I could say the same for the elixir of the fermented grape). I would love to lose 15 more pounds, so I am bumping up my exercise.
I am going to walk 10 miles per week, come what may, world without end, so mote it be. I will make the weight circuit at the gym EVERY Wednesday.
It shall be done. Oh yes.
I think you look great. Being blonde is all good and well, but I'd rather be a brunette. We actually have more fun. Shhhh...it's a secret. LOL!
I agree. And I have felt the exact same way you do, and unfortunately, to no avail. I have decided to get in shape in time to be seen and wanted at the Harry Potter Symposium, to be held next July at Hogwarts Universal in Orlando.
Right now I say I will dress up like Trelawney, but if I can keep at it, I may just attempt to come as Bellatrix.
Info here:
http://www.infinitus2010 dot org/
The diet is almost the most important part, AZ. I know you can do this! Exercise is nuthin!
GO YOU!!!!
You look great! Embrace the new you! But the old you was pretty darn awesome too!
Those are two of the skinniest blondes I have ever seen. Are they well? ;)
Seriously, my sister was once very thin (5 feet 4 and 102 pounds) and her diet consisted of coffee and Marlboros.
Once she quit smoking and decided to get "fit" in preparation for having babies...the whole mess shook out at about 145 pounds. She runs marathons, bikes, and chases after 2 younguns.
She is beautiful. And has a healthy glow about her. And this weight is where her body serves her best.
Thin ain't always healthy. And it sho ain't everything.
you go for it girl!!!!
I feel a need to be hot as well and am going for it myself!
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