Saturday, August 15, 2009

Just Call Me Sybil

Work Toni (Toni is my real name in case you didn't know that) and Home Toni are one person, but also two distinct people.

Work Toni is pimped out. She dresses like all eyes are on her. She has 'da make-up and she has 'da jewelry. She has 'da good clothes. She is professional and earns the hospital hundreds of thousands of dollars per year with her accurate coding.

Home Toni is always in her jammies. She never wears makeup and her hair is twisted up and out of her way. The only jewelry Home Toni ever wears is her wedding ring.

Work Toni (from her work email) sends Home Toni (to her home email) personal trainer messages. Here is the most recent:

Dear Home Toni,

You know that I dearly love you. But you have really sucked ass through a straw with your exercise this week. You have to walk 8 miles by Sunday night. You also have to use free weights to work your arms.

Here’s what you can do: Free weights on Friday night, two miles on Saturday morning and two miles on Saturday evening. This must be repeated on Sunday. Please be aware that this is non negotiable.

Work Toni

Home Toni is Work Toni's bitch.


Amanda said...

You mean there are people who don't live in their jammies when they are at home?

Debbi said...

You are so funny! lol.